Basic assortment Donatello 1988 - 2014

YEAR  1988 - 2014


The Turtles' Creative Genius
Donatello is the best Turtle you'll ever find. He's the brains of the group and the designer of the Turtle vehicles. Rather than use his bo or brawn, Donatello would prefer inventing some device or clever apparatus to foil the foe. Still, Don's one powerful reptile with his staff, which enables him to parry, vault, and crush! Even Don gets "Turtle-sized" pleasure in stomping the Foot.

After a tough battle, Don relaxes by watching programs on his own invention - turtlevision.

Catapulted from indie comic origins to super stardom by the original Murakami-Wolf-Swenson (MWS) animated series, Teenge Mutant Ninja Turtles ran on the air for nearly a decade (1987-1996) and ranked #1 in ratings for an unprecedented 5 straight years!

Featured in over 190 Episodes, the fun-loving, Shell-kicking teens are still recognized around the world and fondly remembered by fans with every bite of pizza!Donatello action figure includes signature weapons.

1988 Package / 1990 Package

1998 Package

2009 Package

2014 Package